
Alex N. Nguyen Ba
William G. Davis Building
3359 Mississauga Rd
Mississauga, ON, L5L 1C6
Lab: DV4090C
Office: SB3016


Our lab is situated at the University of Toronto, Mississauga Campus in the William G. Davis building (DV). The UTM campus is a rapidly growing scientific hub of the University, with the construction of the New Science Building as the largest capital investment at UofT (about $170 million dollars). Our lab is moving in the new science building in a matter of weeks and it will feature open concept collaborative research. An influx of new faculties (>5 in the next 3 years) will be incoming to the UTM Biology department to lead cutting-edge research and revamp the undergraduate curriculum to increase exposure to machine learning and data science in biology. Joining a graduate lab at UTM makes you part of two communities: the CSB graduate students and the UTM Biology students, which increases exposure and gives access to UTM-specific fellowships and funding.

In the biological sciences, UofT consistently ranks as one of the best universities in the world, achieving better scores than world-renowned scientific hubs such as UCSF and Princeton.